Forza Client: End Point Threat Defense


Cloud AI Unified Endpoint Cyber Defense. Forza Client is advanced AI-driven engine with small footprint. Enables advanced detection capabilities with fastest response & improved system performance.

Forza Client provides Ransomware & Adv. Malware protection, robust Next-Gen Anti-Virus (NGAV), Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR), Host-based IDS/IPS, Data Loss Protection (DLP), USB Control, IT Hygiene, AI Threat Hunting & Threat Intelligence.

end point security risks

Ransomware attacks are trending upward as evidenced by the WannaCry and Petya outbreaks. Does your organization endpoint solution is protecting against Ransomware attacks?
Forza Client defends Ransomware & Advanced malware attacks. Zero-day attacks & Honeypots fast detection capapbility.

Your present large foorprint endpoint solution consumes more system resoruces & impacts performance?
Forza Client provides the smallest footprint consumes less than 3% of the system resources.

Forza Client Overview

Cloud AI Unified Endpoint Cyber Defense Software, protects against endpoint attacks is challenging because endpoints exist where humans and machines intersect. Businesses struggle to protect their systems without interfering with the legitimate activities of their employees. Endpoint security platform provides continuous breach detection and prevention.

Hawk-Eye Overview

Endpoint Cyber Defense Platform Dashboard

Hawk-Eye Dashboard

Endpoint Cyber Defense Platform Features & Benefits



  • Next-Gen Anti-Virus (NGAV)
  • Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR)
  • Host-based Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDS/IPS)
  • USB Device Control
  • IT Hygiene
  • AI Threat Hunting & Threat Intelligence

Customer Benefits

  • Reduce TCO
  • OPEX reduction by 20%
  • Security Operations efficiency by 40%
  • ROI <2 Months
  • Easy of Use


End Point Real Time Monitoring

Visibility and behavior activity of any incident and detect advanced attacks in real time.

Zero day Cloud Attacks

Exploit an undisclosed vulnerability in your hardware, software, or network that could be exposed by attackers.

Endpoint Security Monitoring through any Mobile Device

Centralized security monitoring of all devices that are in the organization On-Prem and Cloud infrastructure.

Endpoint Enterprise Deployment Architecture


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